Does Suno moderate songs?
We support a welcoming community for anyone to make music, but inappropriate content may get flagged before you can generate a song.
At the moment, songs you generate are set to Link Only by default, and you can toggle them to Public at any time. By changing your songs to Public, they will appear in your public profile and can be featured in playlists on the Suno homepage. This is great to help you gain exposure and share your music with new audiences, but we still want to make sure the homepage is friendly for any listener.
While attempting to create music, your songs may not generate if they include:
The names of well known artists or people
Copyrighted or trademarked terms
Derogatory or defamatory terms
Excessive profanity
Other inappropriate topics or phrases
Some songs may not get flagged, but the community will alert us if posted material violates our Terms of Service or contains any of the points mentioned above. Moderation may include preventing a song from being generated, a team member asking for a song to be switched to Link Only, or the material being removed without warning. Similarly, Suno will follow DMCA guidelines for copyrighted material flagged by the original owner. For more details, please view our Terms of Service.
If you're unsure why certain content was flagged, feel free to reach our team at