Can I get a refund?


Well, no. Unless...

There are a few key areas in our Terms of Service regarding refunds. We thought we'd make them easy to find, and offer an explanation for each mention.

From Your Registration Obligations

If we discontinue the Service, we will refund you any pre-paid fees on a pro rata basis, based upon the number of months left in the pre-payment period.

This indicates that we will offer a refund in cases where we need to take action by discontinuing service. As noted, the refund will be prorated based on the remaining subscription duration.

From Refunds and Cancellations

Payments made by you hereunder are final and non-refundable, unless otherwise determined by Suno.

These are refunds made on a case-by-case basis. Some examples of reasons we would honor a refund would include:

  • Accidental payment: if you paid for a yearly subscription instead of a month, we can help to revert your payment to a monthly plan. This would include a partial refund.

  • Accidental/unattended sign up: If you started a subscription but didn't use it at all. This can be tricky to determine; but if there are zero songs in your account and we see one or more payments, we're likely to assist with a refund.

  • Product malfunction: If you experience significant downtime due to an outage or feature that isn't working, we'll go above and beyond to offer credits to make up for it. Unlike monthly credits, these will carry over to the next month!

Some cases where we would not honor a refund:

  • Changed your mind: You've used Suno for six months, and decided now that you don't like it. In this case, our team will recommend you cancel your plan. You can continue to use the service through the end of the billing cycle, and the account will revert to the Basic plan upon completion.

    • If it's only been a day or two, give our team a shout at and we'll do our best to make it right!

  • Intermittent usage: If you've had a monthly plan and used Suno on and off for several months, we cannot issue a refund for the time you didn't use it. Instead, we encourage you to cancel anytime you won't be using Suno, and resubscribe when you're ready to use more than the Basic plan credit allotment!