When will I get more credits?


OK, you've used your credits for the day... or the month! But when are they going to be replenished? The answer might be different than you expect.

If you're using the Basic (free) plan, up to 50 credits are replenished once daily. This currently uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to ensure distribution is always the same.

If you're using a Pro or Premier plan, credits are replenished once monthly. Unlike the Basic plan, this will refresh at the same time as your original purchase. If you purchased on January 2nd at 3pm local time, your next replenishment will also happen at 3pm local time! Once you use all of your monthly credits, you will receive the same 50 credit daily allotment as our Basic plan users.

If you subscribed on the 31st of a month, your replenishment date will follow the last day of the month (the 31st when applicable, otherwise the 30th, or the 28th in February) If you don't see credits within 24 hours of the time stated above, reach our team at support@suno.com so we can help!